Monday, October 27, 2014

My Death Sentence October 27, 2014

October 27, 2014

As a missionary, missionary life is related to an actual life. You go to the MTC which is like the Pre Earth Life. Then you are born into the mission field to your trainer who is now known as your Father. You go throughout this mission life and continue to change and learn and grow. Eventually you begin to grow old and eventually you die. Last night I received my death sentence call. I am sure you all have been anticipating to hear just what that entails. The words I received on the other line were, "No Change". How is that for a last transfer call? Haha. It really was what I was expecting, but they could have made it at least a little more dramatic, right? Haha. I am excited though. It is good to be here in Sparks. It is good to be here with Elder Katoa. I am looking forward to finishing as strong as possible here.

We have some good things going that are really helping me in that area as well. These peeps are keeping me pretty busy. As for an update from last week, our investigator, Steve, did end up going to Arizona. Which is a bummer, but there were some things going on there that we weren't aware about before, so it might be for the best. We have some others though that took some steps forward. We have one lady who is set to be baptized December 27th. She has been so prepared, it is incredible. She has come to church the past two weeks, and she attended a missionary fireside with us last night. It was awesome because they have recent converts talk about their conversion stories and share their testimonies. The Spirit was definitely there, and I just kept thinking, "I hope she can feel this". I believe she did. :) Then we have a single Mom who we are teaching that was passed off to us from the Singles Ward Missionaries because she didn't have a good experience in that ward. She also happens to be legally blind, so for the past couple weeks we have been going over and have just been reading the Book of Mormon to her and her daughter. She was nervous to try coming to church again, so we were just taking it slow. We decided to invite her to the ward Halloween Party on Saturday night and she was super excited. She had a good experience and our ward mission leader invited her to church that night as he drove them home. They came and enjoyed it. I am so grateful to be working with such a supportive ward. It is a huge help and things are continuing to progress :)

I am trying to think if I have had any funny stories this week. I did forget to mention that I did crash on my bike two weeks ago. Haha. It was my fault as well as Elder Katoa's. He ran into the side of me as we were messing around. He managed to stay upright, but I took a tumble. The palms of my hands were scraped up, but nothing more. I tried rubbing some blood on my face as we were going to one of the part member families homes and we told them that we got in a fight. Haha good times :)

Missionary life is good. Thank you for all your love and support! :)

Dad- Well the transfer was not in the cards as you have now probably read. It is in my cards to stay on a bike my entire mission.Mission record holder right here. :) Haha. I must say that it sounds like Hell week, is good, but tough for sure. We played football a couple mornings ago and I had three dropped passes. I have a deal with myself that I have to do 25 push ups for every drop. I am still sore. My upper body isn't as good as my legs these days. Just as a side note, I may have a way to get into cross fit for cheaper when I am home. One of the sisters from Mesa that I am going home with may help us out. We shall see. Just keep working hard :) Thank you again for all the updates. I love and miss you Dad and I hope you have a good week! :)

Mom- Thank you for your heartfelt email and for your testimony. I just have to let you know that I am definitely and absolutely sure that everything happens for a reason. I also want you to know that I love you amidst any flaws that you may have. You are one of my greatest heros. You and Dad are my top two. I had someone recently ask me that question actually, who is your biggest hero? I immediately responded with My parents. No doubt. Thank you for being you. I love and miss you greatly and I hope that you have a good week this week :)

Jeri Lin- I am so happy to hear that everything is continuing to go well with the Brown family :) Thank you for sharing your camping stories and I am glad to hear that baby Brown is coming along. It is always good to hear that Hyrum remembers who I am even if he thinks other people look like me ;) I sure do love and miss you guys! I hope you have another good week! :)

Keila- Hey! I love and miss you :)

Sydney- Hey! I love and miss you too!

Leslie- Hey! I am sorry I have been slacking and haven't got your letter in the mail yet. Just know that I also love and miss you!

Brooke- I love and miss you :)

Hayden- Good job in your football game! Keep it up :) I love and miss you Man :)

That is all I have for now!

Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle :)

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