Sunday, September 25, 2011

Simple Joys

We all live in this crazy thing called life. We hustle and bustle to and fro, trying to get everything we possibly can get done within a 24 hour period. Then. Tomorrow comes. And the whole process starts all over again, whith maybe a few differences.

I think while we go through this life we need to find the simple joys. Instead of making everything so complex and what not. For example, this weekend me and my only brother Hung out for about an hour. Just me and him while we took my little sister to soccer practice. While we were there I was showing him how to climb trees. I also was teasing him a lot about girls (he just started kindergarten). The whole situation just mad me smile and I think he had a good time as well. 

And one other thing I would like to add. While searching for the Simple Joys, don't let little things knock ya down. Once again...I have another example. This week I was in my favorite class at school. AP art. I enjoy it so much. The whole thing happened at the very beginning of class. I went to the back of the room to acquire paint that was needed for the current project I am working on. As I was dispensing the black paint, it decided to shoot out at me. It sprayed out and got me at about the bottom of my rib cage on my all white t-shirt. LAME SAUCE. So...I then began to attempt to wash it out...but..EPIC FAIL. I proceeded on to getting more paint...with a not so happy attitude. Then...showing my friend Kurt my accident..being the genius he is, he came up with a brilliant idea. Just splattered the whole short with more paint since it was already ruined. So...what the heck, we did! Kurt along with two girls in my class made me the coolest shirt in school that day ;) see for yourself. 

Look at that shirt! (Ignore the highly unattractive photo of me)

Anyways...all I am trying to say is make the most out of situations that come your way and find the Simple Joys.

"Come what may, and love it!" -- Joseph B. Wirthlin