Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Battle Born December 8, 2014

December 8, 2014

Thank you all for the Birthday wishes. It came so quickly, but I am now 21 years old. That is pretty crazy in and of itself. It has been a good one so far though. Just been packing mostly, but my good friend Austin Arevalo from the Highland Ranch ward, (remember him?) came and picked us up and took us shopping. Elder Katoa needed to get some new food as he is preparing to have Elder Flake as his new companion. He is pretty excited and I am excited for the both of them. :) Haha and I took the liberty to get myself a little birthday gift. So far so good :)

The last week of working here as a missionary has been a good one. As a mission, we have a standard of doing our best to teach 20 lessons a week. Some areas are a little harder to accomplish that. Here in our area, we get very close week in and week out, but I could never make it quite there for some reason or another. I was able to accomplish it though here in my final week. I feel like I just did everything I could to just lay it all out there. With spokes on my bike tires breaking and being soaking wet from Nevada's cold winter rains. I can say that I have no regrets. It is weird to think about heading out on Wednesday, but I am happy with what I have been able to do here on my mission. Through the good times and the hard times. Sometimes it was a battle to just get out and work or talk to people. But I made it through and maybe now I can say that I am "Battle Born" just like this great state of Nevada. It holds a dear place in my heart, and I am sad to leave. I am however, looking forward to what comes next. Looking forward to applying the things that I have been able to learn and experience here. I am grateful for each and every one of you and the support you have offered me over these past two years. Couldn't have done it without you. :)

I love and miss you. But I will see you soon enough :)

Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

Ps. I am gonna be on for a little while longer so if you want to email back and forth for a bit, we can :)

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Back to December - December 1, 2014

December 1, 2014

Well this week has passed quickly. Which is kinda weird to me because with Thanksgiving and all, it was a bit of a slower week as far as teaching goes. Anyways. Here I am on yet again another Monday. Back to December. All prepped and ready to report on my Thanksgiving week. Are you ready?

I have lots to be grateful for from this past week. First and foremost. I survived yet again another week on my bike. I am sure the Lord has been riding along side me these past two years, because I have been very blessed to have no serious accidents. I am also grateful for the ordinance of Baptism. I am sure you all have been anticipating to hear if the baptism we had scheduled this week had gone through. Well I am happy to say that it has. (Details and picture to follow) Above all though, I am grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who continues to listen and answer me. Who has played a major part in making my mission into what it has become.

I am going to list a few more of my blessings that I have taken notice of this past week.

My Heavenly Father has blessed me with physical talents that bring enjoyment. On Thanksgiving Day, much to my surprise, President allowed for us to have a zone activity. Which we decided to play football. My favorite. It was a good game for me too. I caught a touchdown, I was 3/3 as quarterback for 3 touchdowns to 3 different receivers. And on defense I had an interception. Now I was just playing with a group of missionaries, but it was fun. I am grateful for my ability to run, jump, and play. Also on Thanksgiving, we were able to have two dinners. One in the afternoon which was like lunch and another in the evening. I am grateful for the wonderful people of Nevada who have taken care of me over the past two years :)

I am also grateful for lost name tags. Now, that may sound funny. I am not happy about the fact that I lost my pocket name tag that has been my trusty form of identification for two years. I am, however, happy for what it helped me realize. This trusty name tag of mine contained on the back a fair amount of stickers. Each one representing a convert that I have been able to teach and be apart of their conversion. One for even myself, because the most important convert you have on your mission is yourself. This sentimental name tag managed to slide off my pocket and get lost while helping an investigator move this week. That night I went home, feeling sad for losing this memento of my mission. I remember looking at Dad's name tag with all the stickers on the back of his. Wanting to be just like that and wanting to be able to share it with future generations. So that night, I said a prayer asking Heavenly Father that if it was his will that my name tag be found. I explained why it was important to me to find the name tag, but again, I left it up to him. Our investigator kept an eye out for and let the lady in the front office of his apartment complex know. Still nothing. So what did I have to learn? Well I came to realize that I have plenty of ways to someday show the success stories of those I have had the opportunity to teach. Pictures, baptismal programs, etc. More importantly though, the success has come because of the Spirit and that Spirit has written it not only on my heart, but also the hearts of those I have been a part of. Which is something that can never be lost or taken away. I am so grateful for that.

Now speaking of conversions, I told you that I would give you further details on the one that has been in the works over the past few weeks or so and that resulted in a baptism on Saturday. This whole week it seemed like everything was going so smoothly as far as preparations and everything for the baptism. Which was weird for me, because this isn't my first rodeo. I knew Satan had something up his sleeve to try and prevent it from happening. As of Saturday though at about 1:30, 30 minutes before the baptism program was about to begin. Still nothing. Then the member who picked up Gabby for the baptism walked in and said. I have to tell you something. Gabby was there, but he said that the night before she had eaten something that didn't sit too well and she was not feeling well. She told the member though that she knew this is where she needed to be. So she came despite feeling sick and week. Talk about faith. I am so grateful for the faith that is shown through these awesome people I have been able to teach. Each one of their conversions are so unique and incredible. I am grateful for each and every one of them and the examples that they are too me.:)

Now I will close with the words of Alma. Form the 29th chapter and the 13th verse. "...that same God hath called me to a holy calling to preach the word unto this people, and hath given me much success, in the which my joy is full".

I am grateful for this mission opportunity. For that same God who listens to and loves me enough to teach me. :) He listens to and love you too :)

Dad- Thank you for your email and words of encouragement for these final 9 days. Pretty crazy stuff. I am also glad to hear that my package arrived. I have two other boxes on their way now via the family that was up here from Chandler. I need to go get my planner, because I forgot it in the apartment and then give you there number to get in contact with them so they can drop it off. Unfortunately they weren't able to take the bike, so I will be paying for that one, but they have helped immensely :) I don't plan on going to the singles ward. At least not yet anyways. That is crazy...I feel like I have been speaking a lot lately. Just add it to the list I guess. As for plans for my birthday. Nothing real big, I don't think. Isaac is taking me to dinner this Friday,because he will be going to New York during my birthday. A family in the ward is signed up to feed us...but yeah, I will mostly be just getting ready to head out. I mentioned that I want music and stuff to fix up my longboard. But as far as needs...maybe a phone? Or a car...haha. Just kidding. I got Fulton. But yeah..I don't know. I have plenty of clothes and stuff. So I should be ok. If I think of anything I will let you know next Monday. Until then. Have a good week and know that I love and miss you! :)

Mom- Well don't worry about last week. Thank you for all your pictures and email from this week :) I guess it just never stops. just gonna be busy busy each and every day. Haha. Glad to hear that you were able to have a good Thanksgiving. That is crazy what happened to Papa's car. Haha. Wow. As far as Birthday/Homecoming food.I think I told Dad last week that I would like Cheesecake Factory or My Big Fat Greek. I am really fine with whatever though. I just like food...and my anxiety may be kicked in so who knows how much I will eat for that first day or so. I hope that answers all your questions. Just know that I love and miss you and hope you have a good week! :)

Jeri Lin- Lots and Lots of things in December. No rest haha.I am excited though :) I am glad to hear that you are all doing well and that you were able to have a good Thanksgiving with the Browns. My address is 4255 Wedekind Rd. #1615 Sparks Nv 89431. Thank you for all you do. Glad the family is doing well. I love and miss ya Sis. Have a good week! :)

Keila- Soon.Miss Ya. Love ya. Smile. AND Have a good first week of December :)

Sydney- Thank you for your quick email. If you stay busy, the time is gonna go even faster! Haha Love and miss ya too! Have a good week :)

Leslie- That is pretty crazy that your class has a countdown. Pretty cool though. :) I love and miss you! Have a good week! :)

Brooke- See you soon, you cool cat you. Love you and miss you :)

Hayden- It is about that time my Brother. I will see you soon enough. I love and miss you :) Have a good week!

I love and miss you all!

Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle :)