Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dear Everyone June 24, 2013

June 24, 2013
Dear Dad, Mom, and Jeri Lin,

Well let me see....I am sending a group message to you all today, because I don't have a whole lot of time to email you all. You see, it is Juan's birthday today (and Sydney's as well) tell her happy birthday for me. But anyways, we have a fun day of activities planned out with my good friend Juan. Bowling...mini golf...and just lots of fun. So bear with me, I will try to make this as personal as possible :)

Thank you Dad for that picture of the Elders in Russia. We are constantly trying new ways to find people...going to skate parks...family parks. Anything really. It is hard when people aren't really out and about in this area. That is why I was so happy when we went to the training yesterday night and they mentioned the fact that we will be able to use internet and what not during the morning hours when it less effective. I got really excited when L. Tom Perry said that, because that is a thing we really struggle with in this area. It will be interesting to see how it all works out. Missionary work is changing and I am so happy to be right in the middle of it. The whole time during the broadcast, I was thinking about how much I love being a missionary. How much I have come to learn the area and love all the people in it. I am sure tears are gonna be shed when the time comes for me to be transferred out of here. And not only from me, but members of the ward. They have expressed their love for me these past few weeks...I love it here. Who knew? When I got the call to Reno, I was a little skeptical, but I really don't want to leave.

Mom, I am glad that you are doing well and having a good time with all the kids, with swim team an all. That is a bummer to hear about the car. The trials seem to never stop coming, but that means Heavenly Father hasn't stopped caring. Thank you for all the pictures as well. I really do appreciate those.

Jeri Lin. You are such a good Mom, have faith in that. You will be all good, I know that for a fact. Us Shinkle kids are no wimps. In fact, I split my head open this week...just being clumsy, I will have to send you all pictures. Everything is good, we have it super glued up :)

I want to let you all know that I have had a really good week. We now have two new investigators. An 18 year old girl named Raina. Her Mom is a member who has been inactive for years. It was a referral given to us by Elder Gelert gave it to us, and we had tried contacting them for weeks, but could never catch them. So I finally just gave her a call. She was talking to me like I was her best friend. We taught them on Saturday and they came to church Sunday. Awesome. We are also now teaching a friend of Brother Carter's. He is an ex-Marine, just a huge guy. Super cool. We taught him on Friday. This work is the Lords work, and it is hastening. People are ready. There is absolutely no doubt about it. We are where we are for a reason. Now we just need to open our mouth.

Dad, I am so proud of you and your desire to be the East Valley's Biggest loser. Don't let that fire die. Myself and my friends here are all around you supporting you. I hope you all have an awesome week. Thank you for all you do for me. I love you and miss you all bunches :)

Your Son and Brother,
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

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