Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Dear Dad June 17, 2013

June 17, 2013
Dear Dad,

So new changes? Why did they move the ward and everything around again? Change isn't always bad though. Haha can you imagine if KJ doesnt end up getting his visa soon and ends up being sent here? Could I possibly train him? That would be weird :) That is a bummer that you no longer home teach Bro. Lewis, but things happen for a reason. I am still in this area for a reason. I can tell that more than ever after this past week. It has been awesome. We have new people to teach that we are meeting with this week. A friend of Brother Carters who used to belong to the nation of Islam. We also contacted a referral Saturday night, and we have an appointment with them on Saturday. The work is really progressing. It is quite exciting. We also have been meeting with all the less actives as well. I have developed such close relationships with them. We taught the Restoration to the Badillos this past week. The spirit was present...it was amazing. I know they can feel it, now they just need to act on it. That is their job, so we will continue to be there to help them and encourage them. :) We also have been starting to teach the members the lessons, that has been awesome as well. It was a request from the bishop. He promised us as the Bishop of the Highland Ranch Ward that if we will do everything in our power to teach everyone, we will see more people enter into the waters of baptism than ever before. I am gonna do everything in my power to follow him up on that promise :)

We also had an awesome Sunday lunch with Juan and his parents yesterday. It was delicious and the Spanish elders were able to get another lesson with them and get his parents number so that they could come visit more on their own. So that was also awesome. I have Juan spreading the word about Biggest Loser, and I will continue to spread the word as much as I can. I am glad you are doing well with Votes. As long as you are in the top 6, that is all that matters. Because the only thing that matters is when the pads come on. Who is gonna have the desire? Who is actually willing to hit and be hit? I believe you can do it Dad. You have always been there supporting me, when I was hit and on the ground, you have always encouraged me to get back up and hit them harder. I know I am about a 12 hour drive away, but I am here cheering you on. I can't wait to hear what happens. :)

It is good to hear that Hyrum and Hayden are surviving with all those girls. Another girl in the family...I can't believe it. But that is really awesome. I can't wait to meet her for real someday :) I am glad everyone is doing well. Thank you for all your encouragement. I love and miss ya Dad. I hope you have a good week!

Love your Son,
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

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