Monday, March 24, 2014

Reno. Reno. Reno. March 24, 2014

I have been here in Reno for over a month now? Wow. This is crazy. This is also the last week of this transfer. Where does the time go? It goes quick, but it has been a good transfer. The highlight of this past week probably was that the baptism of Anna on Saturday went through. We ended up moving it to Saturday Morning, so that was exciting. It was a good baptism. Nothing really out of the usual occurred during this one and it was pretty well attended. :)

With that being the highlight though, this week also had its fair share of ups and downs. I am just grateful for the ups and the friends and the family that I have to support and encourage me to keep working through the downs or sprint to the finish. You know who you are. :) I mean, the downs I have had in the past week honestly are not even all that horrendous. It is the normal, everyday kind of things that come with the title of Elder. So in all honesty, I do not have to much to complain about. If I really think about it, my missionary life is pretty dang fantastic. Amongst all the set backs, my companions and I have still been able to find success in all three of my areas. As was seen with the baptism this weekend. I am grateful for the growth I have been able to experience in the time that I have been here in Nevada. Like I mentioned before, that time is going very quickly. I was actually reflecting on that quite a bit last night at dinner.

As I was sitting there, I realized I was the "oldest" as far as missionary life goes between the four missionaries here in the ward I am serving in. While I was realizing that, one of he members was talking about how much of a privilege it is to be able to be a missionary, because we are able to change every single persons life we come in contact with for the better. Every single one. As I have been on my mission, I have come to realize that I love working with people. Getting to know them, help them, etc. I have a blast doing it. I am really looking forward to these next 8ish months. Thank you for helping me prepare and for helping me get to where I am at today. :)

Other than that...I am getting excited for summer. I am loving the warm weather we are having. Yesterday, we took a stroll down by the Truckee River and we just talked with one of the recent converts who was baptized here in January. I am really loving the area.

I really am not quite sure what else to add though...

Oh! We were able to go to the Temple on Wednesday. That was good. I realized that I hadn't been through an endowment session in over a year up until that point. It was a great reminder. It also helped me have a new appreciation for the temple. I am excited for the day when I will be able to go through the Gilbert temple. :)

Please continue to keep Mike, Shane, Nancy, Dan, Calvin, Jenny, Glenn, Mario, and Matthew in your prayers. They are all working towards baptism.

Dad- Well it bums me out that neither of my teams made it very far at all in the tournament. I knew that ASU had lost, but had no idea about Duke. Those suckers. Haha. It sounds like you are having lots of cool opportunities. Radio stations, bubble runs, etc. I hope to have some opportunities like that with you in the future. More New York-like experiences and whatnot :) I actually have been praying for you to be able to find a new job that you will enjoy more, so I will continue to do that as you are searching around. :) As for anything I need...I actually have been wanting new music. Church Music...but like good stuff. I like Jenny Phillips and...yeah. Maybe some cool versions of "Come Thou Fount". Other than that...I don't think there is too much I need. I am pretty well taken care of. So maybe just a few things you think I may enjoy. Thanks for all you do Dad. I love and miss you! Have an awesome week!

Mom- Again, thanks for the pictures. Especially of Lexi. I had seen on my family calendar that Teonna's due date was Saturday, so I was expecting some news. That is great. Another girl to their family :) I am glad you were able to have a good week, and I hope you have another good one. Don't stress too much about the Haglers. They are pretty easy going. I love and miss ya Mom. :)

Jeri Lin- Well how does it feel to be 23 and still burn bacon? Ha Sorry...the one year older and wiser too didn't kick in yet I guess. Oh man..I am terrible. I am sorry. It seems to me that you had a pretty good birthday besides the burnt bacon though. So that is good. I was thinking about you on Saturday as I was at the baptism and whatnot :) I am glad the funeral went well. The Reno Air Races. I also hear they are pretty cool. A member showed me a video of one of the planes crashing a few years ago. That was some pretty scary stuff. But..yeah, they are a pretty big deal around here. I love your updates. Thank you for them. I love and miss you. Have an awesome week of being newly 23! :)

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