Monday, March 17, 2014

Keep Your Head Up March 17, 2014

"And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh" Luke 21:28

I came across this scripture at zone conference Friday, on accident actually, but I can honestly say that it has made it to my favorites list. It was just perfect, because it is basically telling me to just keep my head up. It was exactly what I needed. This past week has been one of the more trying ones I would have to say. Good things still happened, we got work done, but there were a few things that were just kind of a bummer. And now, you are wanting details. :) Well I will tell ya a few.

So, altogether, I was just feeling inadequate as we were talking about Christlike Attributes for Zone Conference. The comments by people and just the little things like that scripture helped me a whole lot. And then on Sunday, the lessons...everything. It was as if everything was exactly for me. It helped me know that Heavenly Father really does love me and he is aware of what I am feeling and thinking. It helped me as a missionary, because it helped me realize how much he loves each and every one of us. Anyways, Friday night, after Zone Conference, we went to go pick up a couple of our investigators for a dinner at one of the members homes. Right then and there, we were dropped. Their countenance had totally changed. And that strengthened my testimony that Satan is also real.

With Satan and Heavenly Father being real and being aware of us, the fight is real. If we want to win the fight, we got to be sure we are on the right side and be sure to keep our head up. You can`t see if you don't keep your head up. So yeah, that's one thing..or a couple things I learned this week from the experiences I had.have the opportunity every once in a little while to give blessings at the hospital nearby when people request them. We were

I also had another confirmation that I will not be going into the medical field. Ever. Haha. :) So, we have the opportunity every once in a little while to give blessings at the hospital nearby when people request them. We were there the other night, and we were just talking to the guy, getting to know him. Then the nurse came in to give him a shot. I immediately turned away...but it was too late. I started gettin a little I sat on the arm of a chair. Just praying that I wouldn't go down. Then he asked me to give him the blessing. That whole time I was hoping and praying even more that I wouldn't go down and be the next one in need of a blessing. I made it out alive. Haha.

Other than that though, it is looking like just about all the baptisms we have had scheduled are gonna be post poned for one reason or another, which is a bummer. We will know for sure by tonight. We just keep on workin. Everything will work out how it is supposed to in the end. Time sure is flying by too. This transfer is coming to a close very very quickly. In a couple weeks, I will have new transfer news, then the next thing you know, it will be mothers day! Crazy stuff! Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's day by the way :) ha.

Please continue to keep all the people I have mentioned in your prayers. We seriously do need all the help we can get. This week should be a pretty good one. It is lookin like it in the plans. We also get to go to the temple on Wednesday morning. I love being on the West Side of the mission :)

Dad- March Madness. Good stuff. You will have to be sure to keep me updated. I don't know how much info I will be receiving about that. So yeah, let me know :) Also, we will have to come up to Swensens after my mission and try it out. It is good ice cream, even if you aren't able to polish it off. Also, thank you for keeping me updated with Grandma and everything. I appreciate all that you do for me Dad. I hope you have a good week and a fun time in the bubble run. I love and miss ya!

Mom- Well I am glad that you are doing well and it sounds like you had some good experiences this week which is good. That is awesome that the temples have been so busy. President had a picture of the Gilbert Temple in one of his power points on Friday. Haha I want to go there so bad! I am glad everyone is doing well. Thank you for the Gibbons Gazette as well. Please let everyone know that I love and miss them. And Mom, that includes you. Thank you for being my Mom :)

Jeri Lin- Well Hello there in Texas! Thanks for the quick email too. That is a long drive :P I am glad your kiddos hung in there though. I am glad they are still doing well. I am sorry to hear that Grandpa Burgess passed away. Good thing the Plan of Salvation is real. Like Hailey told me, being Mormon Rocks! It really does! :) What all do you want to know about my companion though? He is 22, from Pennsylvania. He went to ASU for a semester or two, then went to BYU-I. what else? He has been out a year this month. Haha I dunno. Oh, but hey, Have a happy birthday on Saturday. I will be thinkin of ya. I love and miss ya! :)

Well, that is all I have for now. Have an awesome week you guys! I love ya!

Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

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