Monday, August 5, 2013

To One and All August 5, 2013

August 5, 2013
Dear Mom, Dad, and Jeri Lin,

Well first of all...I think I will have to sending emails in a group form. I seem to have made a lot of friends in Sparks that like to email me as to be able to have enough time and make sure no one gets left out, I will have to do it like this. I hope you understand.

I am happy to hear that your trip went well and that you are still losing. A little at a time is better than none at all. It has been a pretty good week with Elder Anderson though. Other than the fact that he shot me in the ear with his nerf gun to wake me up this morning. I wasn't too happy about that, but oh well. We were both put in here this transfer though...double transfers. Gotta love them. They split the area we are in, so there is a total of four missionaries in the Spring Creek Fifth ward. The other two missionaries are pretty cool. I really like Elder Munns, a small town country boy from Utah. The other is Elder Walsmann...I went to High School with it is interesting, but good. Oh! and the member we went to dinner with last night (Hathcocks)...Bro. Hathcock is Coach Hatcock's cousin. Pretty cool I guess. It isn't bad living with member though. I enjoy it.

Well it sounds like you had another crazy busy week. I always have you in my prayers that you will be able to do well and function with everything you do. You are amazing. Thank you for your example. And the pictures..they were kind of hard to really see. Maybe just try attaching them instead of pasting them in the email itself. :) I love ya Mom.

Jeri Lin- I am glad things are going well even though your little babies may stink or be sick. You are a pretty awesome Mom. :)

Well I do have a story for this week. SO...we live with a member. Old guy Brother Preece. He works at the mines and has a crazy schedule...but anyways. He has two dogs that live in the yard. Well, Elder Anderson and I had gotten home and we opened the gate to put our bikes in the shed. Well as I turned around to shut the gate, one of the dogs booked it out the fence. I immediately reacted by sprinting after the dog. Brother Preece is gonna kill me just kept going through my head. I kept up with the dog for a while...leaping and bounding over the sage brush at full speed. I finally ran out of gas and the dog kept going. I was praying so hard that I would be able to find the dog and bring her back home. Elder Munns and Walsmann came in the truck and we just kept walking around looking. Wait! She ran up to Elder Anderson....and was gone again. Dang it. Anyways...I just kept on praying. Finally! We see her again...Munns jumps out of the truck with his lasso and we finally get her. What an adventurous night. All I can that I thought the dogs were supposed to be doing the chasing of me and not the other way around. Moral of the story. Heavenly Father answers prayers.

I love you guys and hope you have an awesome week!

Your Son and Brother,

Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

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