Sunday, January 27, 2013

Dear Dad January 22, 2012

January 22, 2012

It is so good to hear from ya. Today is the emailing day, because all the libraries were closed yesterday, but we still had an awesome P day none the less. We woke up and did a district hike, which was pretty fun. Kinda uneventful, but fun. Then we had a good ol' Mexican standoff as Elder Chatterton calls it.(Nerf Gun war). Then we went out and did some shopping. Went and got lunch at Jazz, where we eat for free. It is a Louisiana type cooking restaurant. I got me some voodoo chicken strips with extra hush puppies. MMMM. And...yeah. that was pretty much our P day. Until later that night when we went to the Metcalf's home to teach a recent convert the last recent convert lesson. It went really well. Then they invited us to play some apples to apples...then they gave us treats...and toilet paper...and money to go to lunch. It was just a really good day. They are an awesome family, just like all the others out here.

I have heard some bits and pieces about the flu. Seems crazy...but I feel like they freak out about it every year. Good to hear that you are playing some ball. We do with the youth every Friday night, and we actually now have a new investigator because of it. I am excited about that. And I think that it is awesome that you are doing another race, but yes, try to get a little training in. It won't hurt. Too much.

I am happy to see that the Chargers are sticking with their Offensive mindedness. Hopefully this new coach can do it a little better than Norv could. I guess we will see. I am sad to see Chip go to the Eagles though. Wish he would have stayed with Oregon, but oh well. I guess we will see with that as well. I hope the Ravens win the Superbowl. Everybody and there dog are 49ers founds round these parts. It should be a good game though. Wish I could see it.

Anyways...I was just thinking today. The gospel much like football. Like I can't help but relate it all back to it. Earlier I was thinking...we have the greatest coaching staff. Heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. They know how to win. They have given us the perfect playbook. The Scriptures. We are the players. And just like in football, the players have to study and learn the plays. The coaches can help us learn, but it is our job to actually learn the plays. Because if not, someone may come to us with a question...If we haven't studied out play book, we may not know how to answer that question. We won't know what play to run and our coaches will have no way of helping us, because we haven't done our part. It is so important to study everyday. I am really starting to realize that. I know that to be true. I say these things, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

I am sorry to hear about the Noyes family as well. I will keep their family in my prayers.

With that, I want you to know that I love and miss you.


Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

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