Sunday, May 22, 2011

I'm in love.

Many may know that I, in fact, do have a love for art. I'm in love with the visual art as well as the musical art. However, since I am not so musically inclined, I  have a little more of the visual art talents. Now, I definately am not a Picasso by any means. I do believe that I have been blessed with a little talent though. It is just up to me to work with that talent, and become better. There is just some sort of enjoyment that I get from creating something out of nothing. It helps me relax and get away from a lot of the stress of everyday life. That is probably one of the big reasons I want to become an architect when I grow up. ( I still have a while ago until that happens). Without any further ado, here are some of the things that I have created over the last couple of years. Some good...others not so good. Just take a look.

This is probably my most recent stuff...t-shirt designs. These are just a few that have not been accepted.

This was my first design that I ever tried entering into a t-shirt design contest. It didn't get accepted obviously.

This shirt design is actually a sketch I did. I just scanned it into my computer, and did some editing with photoshop.

Quite possibly one of my favorites. Also a drawing that I did, but then edited a little in photoshop. wasn't accepted.

Just another one that did not get accepted. I call it, A Loved Heart.

I currently do have a design that is up for voting. It is called Out Of Place. However, it does need a lot more votes if I want it to actually be printed into a shirt though. You can take a look at it HERE.  All you have to do is create an account on this website. Its free and easy. Then vote. It really would be appreciated.

I'm sorry to say that because of technical difficulties I can't get pictures of some of my paintings and drawings on here...I will in the future if i can. Hopefully once I finish the acrylic painting that me and my friend Breanna are workin on I can put that one up on here. It's gonna be sweet.  Once again I apologize for not being able to upload them...I hope you do like what I was able to put up though. :)

1 comment:

  1. Those are quite crazy, but fun! Good luck on the contest!
