Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Starting April 21, 2014

April 21, 2014

Starting. It is the hardest part. Life is full of starts, but there aren't any real finishes. Sure, there are check points we hit along the way. We never really stop progressing though. I have been reflecting back to when I started my mission over a year ago. I was a nervous wreck. Even before it even started. Now, I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. The work is still tough, but my ability to cope and just do it has increased.

While I have been away, I have started some good habits I have also started to stop some bad ones. Yeah, I am not perfect. I am striving to improve and reach those checkpoints. I am happy with where I am and where I am headed.

Ok, so now I will explain why I am talking about starting. Each and every day I wake up and start a new day. Some days are tougher than others. However, it always gets easier as I get up and get moving. Every day, my companion and I have to get out and start working. As we get out and start talking to people. Start teaching. It gets easier. Then I start to notice the miracles. One of which happened this kind of happened multiple times actually. Every time we went and met with Kimberly this week, we showed up exactly when we needed to. In the very moment she needed an answer to her prayers. None of that would have happened if we wouldn't have started and went out when we were supposed to. We also wouldn't have found new people to teach such as Michelle. We wouldn't have met with Glen and Breck who were just in need of someone to listen to them.

Now has Easter has come and gone. Just think, the Atonement never would have happened if Jesus kind of just lolly gagged around. He knew he had to do it, but it had to be started. In this case though, it was tough all the way through it. From start to the ending checkpoint. He did have the perfect hope that everything would work out. The great thing is that it did. The Atonement worked and does work each and every day. We need to start to take advantage of that gift! We need to strive to have that perfect hope that everything is going to work out. Hope is powerful. So start to have hope. Start to change. This Gospel makes it all possible :)

Dad- Well I am sorry that you are busier than you expected, but I would love to be there alongside you working with the athletes. That doesn't seem all that bad. Much more exciting in my eyes. And hey, don't get discouraged about working out, just keep searching and making due with what you have right now. I will be home before you know it and then we can come up with some workouts together. Trust me...I need it as well. You never did tell me that Christian and Megan were engaged though. That is crazy. The world keeps moving, that is for sure. I am glad your class is going well. I did get the Easter package. Thank you all for that :) I am looking forward to being able to talk to you in a few weeks as well. I love and miss ya Dad. Have a good week!

Mom- Well it is good to hear that Hayden is getting his boot off. I also liked his nice view of the palm trees. I miss palm trees. :) That is a bummer that Keila has been sick. No fun :/ I often reflect on the blessing I received when I was set apart when he told me that basically I wouldn't get sick as long as I was doing what I was supposed to. That has sure been an awesome blessing. :) Thanks for all the updates and pictures as always. Also, for the package. I really appreciate it. I love and miss ya Mom. Have a good week!

Jeri Lin- Hey Sis! Well it sounds like all is going fairly smoothly so far with the move and all. I hope that the whole work situation plays itself out nicely as well. Have I ever told you what an awesome older sister you are? Seriously, thank you for helping the rest of the family out as you always have, especially while I have been away. I never really have to worry about home, because I know I have been blessed with such an awesome family. You are a part of that. Thanks for all that you do for me as well. Keep your head up and have a good week! I love and miss ya :)

Well I think that is gonna have to do it for this week. I love you all and miss you all like crazy. Have a good week!

Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle :)

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