Monday, March 11, 2013

Dear Everyone March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013
Dear Mom, Dad, Jeri Lin, Tony, and Leslie,

Well...I decided to write just a big group letter today, because I have a lot to say and not enough time to write all of you. So are you ready? Here it goes.

It sounds like you guys had a good time at the Mud run. For the most part anyway ;) I really like doing hard things like that...and I miss water. So you know I wish I could have been there right beside you guys doing that :) I hope you guys are alright now and recover quickly. Every Monday we have been playing football with the youth. It is a freaking blast. There is a park here called the Golden Eagle and they have tons of turf football fields open to the public. Needless to say, we are a bunch of turf burned, beat up missionaries afterwards. I love it. Maybe I will be able to get some pictures for you sometime. I will have to see.

I am glad to here that the family continues to be blessed and that you all are keeping up with temple work. I was able to go to the temple this week! It was so cool. I chose to do baptisms. The cool part is that I was able to participate in every part. I got to confirm, record, witness, baptize, and be baptized. I was honestly kinda nervous at first, but it was really super cool. And I am surrounded by awesome missionaries, so that helps. That was on Wednesday. It was fun.

Hmm...well we met with a guy named, Tom Dawson this week. Played some ping pong with him. He is a previous investigator that we found in our area book. His wife is a member, but he travels a whole bunch so it is hard to get things set up. But we were able to set up a lesson for the 24th. Hopefully he won't have an emergency business trip, and I am hoping I will still be here after tranfers. Transfers are the 19th and we will be finding out what happens with that this week. President told Elder Hayes that our area is being considered for a sister area. So...who knows. I have also been told that I will probably be training this transfer...and Hayes tells me that I will be District Leader and be double transfered into a new area. I really hope not though...I really want to stay in this least for one more transfer. But...who knows. We will see and I will be sure to let you all know. for a funny story. On Saturday, we were on splits with our district leader, Elder Koster...from denmark. Really cool guy. Anyways, We were also with Elder Stene and Elder Nicholson, because they have a car and they were taking us to lunch. And...the power steering went out. The fluid was fine, and Elder Stene, being the strong Texan he is just said he would deal with it until he could get it fixed today. So..we continued driving and they also went to dinner with us, because they didn't have one scheduled. Well on the way home...the car started everything. We barely made it back to the appartment. We said a prayer thanking that we could arrive in safety and asked what we should do next, because Elder Stene ane Elder Nicholson still needed to get back home. So...Stene tried starting the car again. It started. BARELY. SO...What do us teenage boys do? All jump in the car. As we are driving out of the appartment complex, the other elders with a car pass by, we yell to them to follow us. SO...we are going a total of about 5mph...and the ford fusion is following behind us with their hazards on. We have everything turned off so that all the power is going to the engine. We barely make it over some of the hills...and then about on the second round about on hubble, the car totally dies. So what do we do? Jump out and start pushing. Up the hill we go. Anyways...long story was a good workout. And a good bonding experience. :)

Anyways...I think that is all I have for now.

Mom, as far as the tortillas was good. Just don't send so many next time. Some of them went bad :P

Dad, I hope your leg is alright. Let me know.

Jeri Lin, I loved the story about Hyrum shooting beans out of his nose.

Leslie, Stay awesome. And remember, all is fair in love and war ;) think about it.

Tony, Thank you for your analogy. Haha I hope your feet feel better.

I love and miss you all!

I am sending pictures. I can only attach I will send the rest to Jeri Lin.


Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle

View of Reno from the Temple

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