One Hundred years from now
it will not matter what kind of car I drove,
what kind of house I lived in,
how much was in my bank account,
nor what my clothes looked like
BUT it may be a little better
I was important in the life
of a child
While working, I found this little saying/ poem thing. It kind of stuck out to me. I think we all should try to be important in at least one person's life. It doesn't even have to be in a child's life. It could even just be some random guy on the street. On Thursday on my way to work, I was pulling off the US 60 onto Gilbert Road. On the off ramp, there was a man sitting on the corner with a cardboard sign...I wasn't able to catch exactly what it said. I was sitting at the stop light and he was sitting on the ground next to my van (aka. the party van). I grabbed my wallet and pulled out a little money. I then proceeded to roll down my window. That man popped up off the ground so fast. As I handed him that little bit of cash, he thanked me. I could tell that he was really grateful. As I looked back, people in cars behind me started doing the same thing.
Now, I may never see that man ever again, but I feel that I had some importance in his life. Even if it was just a little. I know people usually say that people like that brought their situation upon themselves. Maybe that is the case...but who am I to judge? With the economy the way it is right now, anything is possible. So, when I see those kind of people, I try my best to help them out...because even if they are lying, or do not do good things with what is given to them, those choices are their own. I know that I will be blessed either way, because I was willing and able to help. That is all that matters. So whenever you see people like that, if you are able to, help them out. It gives you a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that you may have just helped someone in need. I know if I was ever in a situation like that, I would love all the help I could get, and I am sure you wouldn't mind the help either. That is all for now, Life is good and you are important in at least one person's life. Remember that.