November 17, 2014
I will get to the title of the email in a minute, but first. I want you all to know that I LOVE YOU. And also know that I have had a pretty good week :) Despite the fact that the weather is cooling down. It definitely makes getting motivated to get out and work a lot more difficult for me. Nevertheless, we did get out and work and some good things are continuing to move right along. I have found that work brings positivity and I am grateful that I have been able to learn that lesson on my mission. :) I have learned lots of lessons on my mission. And this week I received in the mail something we like to call "Trunky Papers". My brain still hasn't wrapped itself around the fact of how much time I really have left to continue doing this awesome work. I am not sure it will until I am probably on the plane. Which isn't a bad thing, because I am just in that missionary mode and it helps me stay focussed as much as possible and get things done.
Now what happened this week. Well for about two weeks now every District Meeting, our zone leaders have been announcing that all the missionaries with cars this Saturday were going to have a mini missionary with them from the Carson City stake. I was thinking,"ha, don't have to worry about that. I don't have a car". Just as I always do when they make announcements that have anything to do with cars. Well, Saturday came. I am on companion exchanges in my area. Just eating breakfast and preparing for personal study and Elder Ihler tells me that the phone is being blown up. We had some text messages.A missed call, and our Zone Leaders were calling us again. I was wondering what the heck was going on and they told me that they were in need of me taking a mini missionary for the day. Wait..I thought it was only for the ones with the cars?? Well,there aren't enough with cars and we trust you. We will come drop him off they tell me. I have to tell you that I have become pretty good at hitting these curve balls that the mission likes to throw, because they like to throw them at me a lot. The good news is that we had a pretty good day. Bryce,our mini missionary, did a pretty good job keeping up with us on his borrowed bike. We had some good lessons. I just hope it was as good experience for him as it was for me.
On that day, we met with Gabby as well as Coral. They are both continuing to progress towards the days they have agreed to be baptized, so that is exciting. We met another less active family this week that would like for us to continue working with them. No new investigators this week,but a few more potential people. So things are just moving right along.
This week I also had the opportunity to speak in Sacrament Meeting. This ward likes to keep me busy I guess. That is where the title of the email comes from though, and I want to share a few of the thoughts that I did in my talk.
My topic that was assigned to me was the Book of Mormon. Many, if not all, know that I would like to be an Architect when I grow up. Right now, I want to build a home using the Book of Mormon.
First, every home needs a plan or a blueprint. The same is necessary for our study of the Book of Mormon. I have found on my mission that planning makes a huge difference. There have been times where I have had little or no plans, and others where I have plans on top of plans. When I have plans on top of plans, it makes life a whole lot easier. When building a home the more detailed and specific the plans, there is a lot less chance for error. The same goes for study. Set a plan.
Second, as your plan begins to unfold, there is a process. There is an order to things and the foundation needs to come first. The Book of Mormon provides a foundation of our testimony. President Dieter F. Uchdorf taught principles in this past general conference that are and have been the way to build a flawless, solid foundation for centuries.
1) Study
2) Consider, Ponder, and Strive to Believe
3) Pray
4) Live the Doctrine
As we do those four steps with the Book of Mormon, we are promised to have a solid foundation.
Third, we can now begin to actually build the structure that will be able to protect us and help us. That structure is a Testimony of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. Jesus Christ has suffered and gone through every pain and sorrow that we have and will experience. That is why he provides the safest, soundest structure for our homes. The Book of Mormon is Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It is convincing evidence that Jesus is The Christ. We will learn to rely on him and his Gospel as we read and study the Book of Mormon.
Fourth, we finally can put the finishing touches on our home. It is a lifelong process though. We are continually finding new and better things that bring peace and beauty into our homes. We find these new and improved things though the Book of Mormon. We apply its teachings in our lives. Which in turn brings us closer to our Heavenly Father. After all, "Heaven is a continuation of an ideal home".
And that is exactly what the Book of Mormon does. It helps us build an ideal home. I have been talking in a figurative sense, but the Book of Mormon helps us have an ideal home in a literal sense. I know that to be true, because I have witnessed it for myself. Now it doesn't mean that we won't have struggles and trials, but it will bring us real protection and real strength. I am grateful for the Book of Mormon :) I share those things with you in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
Dad-Thank you for your email :) I sure do have another one completed and congrats on you completing your race. Mom sent me a picture and you look pretty good :) As for my birthday, I just let you know what I would like. I don't want anything sent here, because I need to send stuff home as you know.Don't really want to pay extra baggage fees. haha. But is always good. I like just about all of it,so you can't really go wrong. As far as plans that day. Probably finish packing. Breakfast with Isaac. Planning on Dinner with a family here in the ward. What we do between that time..I have no clue. We will just have to wait and see. I am glad you have had a good week and hope you haven another good one. I love and miss you Dad! :)
Mom- Thank you for all the pictures as always! I need to get better at doing that. I just haven't taken a whole lot, or I forget my camera. I am a slacker. Hopefully Isaac makes up for my slacking haha. As far as the MMR vaccination, I just texted Sister Hermansen. Hopefully she gets back to me soon, but I will try and get it done this week. It looks like you all did have fun for Hayden's birthday, and I am glad. I am glad you had a good week and I hope you have another good one! I love and miss you Mom. Thank you for all you do :)
Jeri Lin- I feel you with the freezing part. It is no fun for sure. Haha sometimes I want to just cry like Hyrum, but then somebody lets us in and my body recoups a little bit.haha. It sounds to me like you all are doing alright. I am looking forward to being able to see all of you. No matter when you come. It is going to be a very very good time :) I love and miss you Sis. Have a good week!
Keila- Hey. I love you :) Have a good week!
Sydney- Thank you for your funny story and for your email :) I am looking forward to having good and funny times with you and Leslie and Keila and Brooke and Hayden and Jeri Lin and Tony and Hyrum and Lindi. Eventually Baby Brown. Even Mom and Dad :) You know, all of us cool kids. haha Sounds like you have some good things happening and things to look forward to! I hope you have a good week! I love and miss you :)
Leslie- Thank you for the pictures. Looks like you had some good times at the zoo lights. I love and miss you and I hope you have some more good times this week :)
Brooke- Mom sent me a picture of you doing a handspring at JumpStreet. Impressive :) I can't even do that. You may have to teach me when I get home! I love and miss you! Have a good week :)
Hayden- It sounds and looks like you had a good birthday. I am glad you didn't get hurt at JumpStreet this year. I am also happy to hear that you won your football game this week. Good job! :) I love and miss ya man. Have a good week!
I love and miss you all!
Your Son
Your Brother
Elder Bryton Dane Shinkle :)
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